
In this section we're going to add the ability to check off completed Todos.

First, we'll add a hook to toggle a Todo, calling the Aft API's update method.

function Todos({user, setUser}) {
function useToggle(setTodos, todo) {
const toggle = async () => {
const updated = await aft.api.todo.update({
where: {id: todo.id},
data: {done: !todo.done},
setTodos(todos => {
return todos.map(t => t.id === todo.id? updated: t)
return toggle

And then update our Todos template to pass the hook to the todo component, and the Todo component to call it.

function Todos({user, setUser}) {
return html`
<div class="box">
<div class="row">
<div><b>Todos</b></div><a onClick=${signout}>Sign out</a>
${todos.map(todo => {
const toggle = useToggle(setTodos, todo);
return html`<${Todo} key=${todo.id} toggle=${toggle} todo=${todo}/>`
<${AddTodo} user=${user} setTodos=${setTodos} todos=${todos}/>
function Todo({todo, toggle}) {
return html`
<div class="row">
<input type=checkbox onClick=${toggle} checked=${todo.done} />

Try it out! Todos should stick around when checked, but not get reloaded on a page refresh.

In our last step, we'll take a look at access controls so we make sure we're only letting users see their own todos.