
Aft has a customizeable login system.

Out of the box, Aft has two RPCs: login and signup.

The code for each is very short. Here's login:

loginUnsuccessful = {"code": "login-error", "message": "login unsuccessful"}
def main(aft, args):
user = aft.api.findOne("user", {"where": {"email": args["email"]}})
if not user:
return loginUnsuccessful
if user.password == args["password"]:
return user
return loginUnsuccessful

There are two methods on the aft.auth object:

  1. authenticateAs(user_id), which will generate an authentication token and inject it into the current request, as well as set it in a cookie
  2. user(), which will return the currently authenticated user object if there is one

The login and signup RPC are just regular code, that you may rewrite to provide any additional logic that's appropriate for your application.